The conclusion of the American dream always involves a happy retirement at the age of 65, and living out the rest of our years spending time with family, traveling, and doing which ever method of recreation suits us. The problem is that retirement these days is increasingly uncertain for many Americans due to an unhealthy economic climate. Things are improving, but one of the things that was hit the worst by the recession is peoples’ retirement funds.
Americans are less sure than ever of being able to retire, and if they are able to retire that they’ll be able to do so and still live a comfortable lifestyle. One in four middle class Americans think that they will have to work at least until they are 80 years old to be able to retire, and 39% think that they will have to keep working in retirement which is not an unreasonable expectation.
Two percent of retirees are looking for jobs now, and almost half of senior citizens in the United States are considered economically vulnerable. To make matters worse, fewer and fewer employers are offering retirement plans these days. All of this means that you have to take your retirement preparation into your own hands, and early.
If you have an IRA, you’re already in a good place — and if you don’t, get one. Individual retirement accounts are available at almost any financial institution and if they’re self directed, offer much more autonomy than other types of retirement accounts. One particularly effective way to create a source of income to fund your retirement is buying real estate with it, which can only be done with an IRA non recourse loan.
An IRA non recourse loan agreement works like this:
- The IRA borrows money from a non recourse lender.
- Non recourse IRA loans are secured by real property.
- The lender cannot seize anything other than that property should the borrower default on the loan.
- An IRA holder can only use the loan for purchasing property that will create a source of income, like apartments or commercial property.
Self directed IRA lending is just one way to help fund your retirement. How are you doing it? Let us know in the comments. Check out this website for more. Check out this website for more.
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