3 ways mobile payment solutions are changing busin

Published on February 4th, 2015 | by Day Trader

Three Services You Might Not Be Getting from Your Current Payment Solutions Provider

Mobile payments conference

High transaction fees. Low security. Unhelpful technical support when terminals break down. These are just a few of the problems that many businesses have with their credit card payment processing companies, and they can have serious consequences for a business. Unreliable payment solutions providers may be holding small businesses back, especially, if their customers have deemed them to be an unreliable option. If those businesses feel that they are paying too much for their merchant services, they may need to look elsewhere.

Are these familiar problems for your company? If so, you may need to switch your payment solutions provider to get more flexible options and better bang for your buck. You might also be entitled to additional services that not only help your business accept credit cards and debit cards but expand its potential in the marketplace, too. Here are three services you might not be getting right now — but you could if you find the right payment processing company.

    1. Mobile Payments Solutions: Mobile payments is a lot more than just a wireless terminal. It also helps businesses travel or can let customers pay anywhere in the shop (or outside of it). This safe and convenient payment method simply uses a small device that clips to a tablet or smartphone. Businesses that travel can allow customers to pay with credit and debit cards rather than simply cash, and retail and restaurants can allow for additional checkout lines to help more customers.

    2. Online Payment Terminals: Online payment processing allows your business to begin selling items over the internet. If your company can ship items locally or nationally, this allows for more reach online. Online payments can let a business grow rather than keep it tethered to one spot in this global economy.

    3. International Payment Processing: By using international payment processing, your company can sell its items online and not have to worry about tricky currency conversions. This allows your internet-based business to have truly global reach in the eCommerce world. In addition to selling items online, businesses that are situated near borders, such as that between the U.S. and Canada, can benefit from international payment processing services to keep cross-border shoppers happy.

Have more questions about how these services can help your business? Leave a comment below.

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